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Awe logoDataRapor Production Data Collection

Monitor All Your Production Data from a Single Point

With DataRapor® production data collection module, you can monitor your production data at your facility by parameter, location, or device with a user-friendly interface.

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Machine-Based Production Monitoring Page

Track real-time production of machines and tools in your operation, including operating and idle times, percentage of planned production realized, and similar data.

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Shift-Based Production Monitoring Page

Monitor the performance of each shift, conduct productivity analyses, and quickly respond to real-time issues to enhance overall production performance.

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Measure Production Efficiency with OEE

Identify weaknesses in your business and develop improvement strategies with OEE infrastructure that analyzes machine performance, availability, and quality rate.

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Üretim Optimizasyonu

Anlık üretim takibi ve geriye dönük verilerin analizi, operasyonlardaki düzensizliklerin ve kusurların tespit edilmesini sağlar. Bu sayede arızalı ürün sayısı azaltılır ve üretim optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilir.

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ScoreBoard Data Transfer

Transfer product quantities manufactured in your factory to ScoreBoard without the need for external equipment, allowing you to monitor production performance in real-time and take measures to enhance operational efficiency.

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Graphical Analysis

Conduct graphical analysis of all your production parameters on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis, and utilize advanced export options to integrate with various platforms.

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Expandable and Configurable Infrastructure

With online updateable device library support, you can add new devices to the system and update device settings within minutes.

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Virtual Device Support

Define new virtual devices with mathematical calculations, adjust a device's contribution to other devices by specified ratios, and include these virtual devices in your index calculations as if they were physical devices.

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Easily integrate your calculated costs with corporate management systems such as SAP and ERP.

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High-Capacity Data Processing

With high-capacity data processing capability and integrated server-side support, you can retrieve, filter, and subject all data from hundreds of sensors, actuators, and analyzers in your operation to custom mathematical calculations without any delay.

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Integrate digital communication protocols such as Modbus TCP/IP, Modbus RTU, Profinet, Profibus, BACNET, MQTT, as well as OPC, TCP, UDP socket interfaces into your system.

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Customizable Reports

Receive custom-designed reports and invoices in the format of your choice automatically via email at specified times—hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly, tailored to your requirements.

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Alarm and Alert

Define alarms for any parameter in the system, add or modify limits and alarm waiting times, and automatically send SMS and email notifications to designated authorized groups in case of an alarm.

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Platform-Independent Infrastructure

The system is designed to be platform-independent, allowing access from various devices with different screen resolutions, from desktop computers to tablets and smartphones.

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